

Statement by Metropolitan Eustathius Matta Roham: The amount of kidnappings, death and destruction is increasing day after day in Syria

Below you will find a new Statement from our clergy on the ground in Syria, with commentary from Metropolitan Eustathius Matta Roham. There is no question that the situation is getting worse by the day. Lack of information and misinformation are key problems in the conflict.

Here you see from our Aramean Syriac Orthodox Bishops that there is fear, danger and death throughout Syria. 

The WCA will continue to fight for justice and supports all our people in Syria (and those who have escaped the war), including our Clergy. God bless and help them all.

World Council of Arameans [Syriacs] 

MorEustathiusWe still have people, who are kidnapped. It is a systematic kidnapping to force people leave the area. They intend to make a change in demoghraghy. This change will lead to a division in the country based on demography. They are a lot of things on the net, like killing girls or take them by force, which are not true. 

The situation is very confusing in Syria, and is getting very bad in Jazirah. We have no electricity long hours, and sometimes we get it for one hour every 30 hours. The weather is still very cold. On 9 February 2013, a new group of displaced families arrived from Tabqa. On 11 February, another group of displaced families arrived from Shaddadi, which is about 50 km far from our headquarters in Hassake. The town of Tabqa, also known as Thawra, is a modern built town nearby the Euphrates Dam. The little town of Shadadi is located nearby the oil fields of Jbesah. The strategy behind putting hands on these two towns is to control the sources of energy.

The war is still going on and the amount of death and destruction is increasing day after day. The more displaced families we have, the more there is need for care and support. The movement of displace families is drawing a new demographic map for Syria. The rebels are now surrounding Hassake from all around. In case they decided to capture Hassake, I think there is going to be a great human catastrophe. The destiny of Hassake will not be better than destiny of other destroyed towns throughout the country.

We have lost so much in souls and properties. We do not know who is going to pay back! They fight for power and the poor pay the bill. It is a very sad situation.

Please continue to pray for us in the church on Sundays.

With Christ's blessings,

Yours in Christ,

Metropolitan Eustathius Matta Roham



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