SUA at 16th Session of Human Rights Council at UN in Geneva

The Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA) is participating once again in the Human Rights Council (16th Session) at the United Nations Office in Geneva (UNOG) from Monday 14 March to Friday 18 March 2011.

On 15 March 2011, SUA NGO Delegate from Germany, Basil Özkaya, submitted written and oral human rights related statements at this 16th Session of the Human Rights Council under agenda item 5 "Human Rights bodies and mechanisms, general debate."

The statement, delivered right after Minority Rights Group's statement, is entitled: "Minority Rights Disaster in Turkey and Iraq: The Aramean (Syriac) People and their Appeal to the United Nations."

In the statement, the SUA requests the member states of the Council to consider the Human Rights situation of the Aramean Christians in Turkey and especially in Iraq, where the number of Arameans have already halved to approximately 600,000. If the UN, the Iraqi government, the US government and other governments do not act swiftly to protect the Aramean Christians in Iraq from more attacks by Islamic terrorists, the world will witness in this part of the region as well the silent dispappearance of an ancient people in its ancestral soil.