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The World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) ("WCA")

Established in 1983, the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (“WCA”), formerly known as the Syriac Universal Alliance, is a global umbrella organization representing the various Aramaic (Syriac) national federations in the continents of Europe, America, Australia and the Middle East.

The WCA is the widely acknowledged voice of the Aramean (Syriac) people whose interests and needs it aims to serve, defend and promote.

Since 1999, the WCA is the only Aramaic-speaking Non-Governmental Organization in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and the Social Council of the United Nations. This privileged position meant that the WCA could send delegates to the UN Headquarters in New York (UNHQ) and to its Offices in Vienna (UNOV) and Geneva (UNOG).

Ever since, the WCA has attended various conferences and meetings in these cities, where human rights, the rights of indigenous peoples, crime prevention, human trafficking, drugs control and more are all on the international agenda. The UNOG is the political arena where one can inform the world about the Aramean people, their precarious situation and lack of socio-political and cultural rights in the homeland. Hence the WCA's main focus for activities are especially in Geneva and New York. One of the noteworthy achievements at UNOG was the presentation of The Hidden Pearl (23 July 2003) in one of the conference rooms. It was successfully organized by Arameans from the USA, Australia and five European countries.

Another big project of the WCA and its Member Federations is Suryoyo Sat (www.suryoyosat.com). This satellite channel exists since 2006. The promoters often stress that it is the TV-channel by and for the Aramean (Syriac) people, which is free of any external support and foreign influences. Its objectives and agenda are basically the same as those of the WCA. Its directors and employees (both paid and volunteers) work on a democratic basis, with a transparent structure and with a sincere concern, love and passion for their people and language.

Suryoyo Sat broadcasts primarily in Aramaic, but occasionally also in other languages, and has a reach of more than 80 countries. Arameans are able to enjoy its diverse socio-political, cultural, entertaining and educational programs and developments, as well as the link to their people in the Homeland and the Diaspora. Suryoyo Sat directly connects Arameans everywhere in the world with each other; especially since it is also available via the Internet.

These two basic qualifications, in addition to its multifarious activities, place the WCA in a leading role with the global Aramean (Syriac) community. Among others, the WCA seeks close cooperation with national governments, the United Nations, the European Union and the Council of Europe.

The WCA is dedicated to answer the call to protect and secure the rights, liberty and equality of the Aramean people, safeguard and promote the cultural heritage of its ancestors, ensuring justice, and uniting all its people as a self-determined and internationally recognized Aramean nation.



World Council of Arameans (Syriacs)
Mozartlaan 161
7557 DN Hengelo (O)
The Netherlands

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Second Head Office:

World Council of Arameans (Syriacs)
Klockarvägen 104
151 61 Södertälje, Sweden
0046 855 032 810



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