

Exclusive SUA Program LIVE on Suryoyo Sat in Sweden

sua board ssat

Saturday evening, 26 March 2011, three SUA Board Members will appear LIVE on Suryoyo Sat from 19:00 – 21:30.

From 19:00 – 19:30, there will be a short program on SUA’s project to celebrate Passion Week and Easter in the traditional and authentic way in Tur-Abdin, Southeast Turkey, from 19-26 April 2011.

During this spiritual journey home, the SUA offers 150 Arameans from all over the world the chance to uniquely experience a spiritual and cultural pilgrimage in the ancient land of their forefathers.

From 19:30 – 21:30, the SUA wants to reach out to all of you and inform you how you can help our people through SUA and how you can help SUA to reach the next stage. The show will first focus briefly on updating you on the latest developments around SUA. What are the more recent activities and what can you expect from SUA for the coming year? 

Many of you already have helped SUA through various means, and the SUA is very grateful to each one of you for your ongoing support. But more and more people – young and old, students and employees, clergymen and laypeople, Arameans and non-Arameans – have repeatedly asked SUA Delegates in the recent months pressing questions of this sort: How can I contribute financially in order to make SUA an even more professional and stronger Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) at the United Nations, where the SUA has proven to make the ignored voice of the Aramean (Syriac) people heard? 

Therefore, after SUA’s fruitful cooperation with PwC the SUA Board is now finally open to accept the ongoing and increasing support of the people after years of hard and productive work with limited resources. With more of your input in the next months and years, as will be discussed this Saturday, the SUA will be able to show even more output.

Care to find out more about SUA’s agenda this year and how you can help? Join then LIVE Johny Messo (SUA President), Daniel Aksan (SUA CFO) and Philip Hanna (SUA Legal Counsel) this Saturday evening on Suryoyo Sat from 19:30 – 21:30.





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